Let There Be Blog

by Sasa Stublic on 01/22/2015

I have no clue how to blog. I'm gonna do it anyway. At least I'll try :)

Sharing things I learned with people I know was always something I did a lot. But sharing things with 'large' anonymous audience? Scary!
But it's a brave new world and all of us have to adapt. Besides, it's always fun to try out new things.

Latest project seemed like a nice reason to actually start. Project might benefit from some exposure and goodness developer blogs are supposed to provide and I might benefit from some article writing. I'm sure I'll find out it's a lot harder than it looks.

This blog will represent my channel to communicate progress on my current projects and various lessons learned. Some general indie-game-publishing related and some programming and tools related.

I hope you find something of use in articles to come. I'll be happy to hear any feedback/comments on the subject and on my writing. It will help me improve!

Thanks for reading !
